Compatible with any pesticides and other means of soil or plant treatments.
They can be used alone or together with other mineral or organic fertilizers.
Hybrid Innovation Stimulanz-Konzentrat, -Prima, - Aktiv – Humus-Pulver and Aktiv–Humus-Granulat is a line of organic humus plant growth promoters and soil improvers, which differ from all humic substances in a high acidity index from 4 to 6 plus a high content of organic matter (up to 87%), natural humic (up to 42%) and including fulvic acids (up to 14%).
The products are manufactured chemical free and contain up to 14% pure fulvic acid, which consists of 74 organic minerals, 10 vitamins and 18 amino acids. They allow for a significant reduction in the consumption of traditional mineral fertilizers (saltpeter, urea, ammophos, etc.) or organic fertilizers (manure, chicken manure, compost, etc.) through chelation, due to targeted saturation of the root system, leaves, stems, and buds with the optimal amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc., required for the plant.
Some of the beneficial effects of these products are:
they improve the quality of the crop, its appearance and nutritional value
nutrients (N, P, K, Fe, Zn and other trace elements) are converted into plant-available forms
the chelation of metal ions under alkaline conditions and their uptake by roots
production of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and support of photosynthesis
they increase the natural resistance of plants to diseases and pests
thickening of fruit cell walls and extension of shelf life
optimization of processes of mineral nutrition of plants
they increase the germination and viability of seeds
the improved absorption of nutrients
the stimulation root growth
More information can be found in the OnePagers attached as well as directly on the homepage of Hybrid Innovation Agro
Please feel free to contact me directly for any questions and inquiries!